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*project in partnership with arq.paisagista Sara Terroso

project date: 2017

area: 11360 m2


The objective of this proposal is to make it possible for the population to enjoy an expectant space, turning it into the park that the village of Manteigas needs.

The space has an enormous potential, either because of the large tree species, or the strong presence of the mountains that can be seen from the place and the presence of water (levada, mill, rio_cc781905-5cde-3194-bb3b -136bad5cf58d_Zêzere). The project of the park of rio  aims to take advantage of all the strengths of the site, minimizing as much as possible the impact on the existing vegetation and on the natural modeling of the terrain. 

Points of interest in the project:


outdoor amphitheater (1)

Designed with the purpose of functioning as an observation point over the river, a recreation and accommodation area, ideal for small concerts, theaters, group meetings, associations, lectures and publicity actions.


Viewpoints (2)

Naturally elevated spaces and on deck that provide the opportunity to contemplate the mountains, the river and the village of Manteigas.


Sensory Garden (3)

Garden composed of plant and inert materials that provide different visual, olfactory and sensory stimuli. The plant species used are aromatic/medicinal from the region chosen for their color attributes, fragrance and texture. Inert materials such as pine bark and different types of pebbles are used as sensory stimuli. Species are identified by name and common uses, increasing the educational value of the space.

plantation project

The process of choosing the vegetation was related to the need to meet  3 objectives:

  1. introduction of shrubs and herbs, with the aim of fixing the soil/reinforcing the margins and creating recreational areas;

  2. fill the tree stratum, creating shaded areas along the sidewalks and helping to fix the soil and reinforce the slopes; the species chosen (Alnus glutinosa, Arbutus unedo, Betula alba, Populus nigra, Quercus robur) are mostly riparian and autochthonous, being integrated in the site with the existing species;

  3. increase the recreational and educational character of the park with the planting and aromatic/medicinal species (Hypericum adrosaemum, Lavandula angustifolia, Mentha spicata, Rosmarinus officinalis, Salvia officinalis, Thymus vulgaris) duly identified by name and properties.

  • trees

proposed trees

existing trees

  • shrubs, herbaceous e seedlings
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