How are my fees calculated ?
( and why I don't indicate prices over the phone )
The calculation of fees in architecture and landscape architecture used to be based on a percentage of the estimated value of the work - ordinance of February 7, 1972, published in the supplement to the Diário do Governo, n.º 35, 2nd Series, of 11 February 1972. However, this ordinance was revoked and currently each professional is free to calculate their own fees in the way they deem most correct.
There are those who still use this method as a reference, which has some advantages, such as indicating to the customer an estimated value for the work; there are also those who prefer to make the calculation by estimating the number of hours and difficulty of the work.
In all cases there are factors to take into account:
- Total area of intervention
Projects for larger areas will have to be more expensive in the first place.

project with 45 m2 and project with 1 1360 m2
- Degree of difficulty of the project
A project with a higher degree of difficulty is a project involving areas with specific protection regimes (REN, RAN, Ecological Reserve...), challenging natural elements (complex topography, cliffs...).

project with areas covered by protection regimes and with complex topography
- Degree of complexity of the project
A project with a higher degree of complexity is a project that involves more constructive elements such as pergolas, waterfalls, water mirrors, or more challenging constructive solutions such as interior gardens, green roofs, vertical gardens.

simple design and complex design
Therefore, each case has to be analyzed in detail in order to arrive at the fairest value for the client and the designer.
Along with the fee note, I also send a description of the work included and a timetable of the various stages, with a corresponding percentage of the payment associated with the delivery of part of the project.
If you would like to receive a fee proposal for your garden/project, send an email to , I will respond within the next 24 hours.