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Joana Alves Gomes

What to expect from a Landscape Architecture project?

Are you building your house and need to complement it with the arrangements of outdoor spaces?

Do you have a garden but no longer identify with it?

Want to get more out of your green space?

Why not hire a landscape architect?

What to expect from a JAG landscape architecture project for your family garden?

1. General plan

Your garden will be designed to suit your needs.

2. Planimetry plan

They are technical drawings that serve to indicate to the builder how to delimit the different spaces.

3. Altimetry plan

This plan presents the changes in the terrain modeling and the final dimensions of the project.

4. Planting plan

This plan is designed according to the specificities of the place (climate, altitude, proximity to the sea or the mountain ...) but also according to your tastes and preferences - Mediterranean, minimalist, contemporary, classic, historic, country / cottage , English, French, Italian, Japanese organic / rectilinear / geometric, desert, sensory, medicinal, aromatic ...

It also takes into account the need to adapt green spaces to climate change, gradual scarcity of water, lack of time to maintain the space.

This plan is subdivided as follows:

- tree plan

Indicates the trees to be planted and describes the characteristics with which they should be obtained.

- bush plan

Indicates the bushes to be planted and describes the characteristics with which they must be obtained.

- sowing and soil cover

It indicates the sowing species (grass, meadow, e.g.) and ground covers (pine bark, e.g.) to be applied and describes how they should be applied.

5. Plan of floors and equipment/furniture

This plan indicates the floors, equipment and furniture to be used, as well as the respective technical construction details.

6. Watering plan

This drawing plans the primary (manual) and secondary (automatic, if necessary) irrigation system, types and irrigation devices..

7. Lighting plan

This plan locates and typifies outdoor lighting.

8. Technical details of structure construction

In these drawings we indicate how the floors, structures and equipment included in the project should be built or applied.

9. Written pieces: Descriptive memory, Terms of reference, Map of quantities and budget estimate

These 4 elements describe the development of the project (descriptive memory), the way it should be executed (specifications), and all the elements that compose it (map of quantities and budget estimate). This phase is essential for cost rationalization and control.

10. Acompanhamento da obra

10. Follow-up of the work

We will assist you in hiring construction companies, monitor the execution of the garden and solve any doubts that may arise.

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To see JAG projects of private gardens click HERE.

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