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Joana Alves Gomes

22 Popular indoor plants in Portuguese homes

Some are already "classic" others are new, these are the plants that are successful in our homes.

If you like plants and green environments but don't have a garden, indoor plants are the solution for you, small or large, green or colorful, there's plenty to choose from.

1. Adiantum raddianum - Avenca

Ideal environment: indirect light, humid environment.

It can also be used in marquees, greenhouses and indoor gardens.

Ideal for caregivers with some experience, as it needs the right balance between light, shade and humidity.

2. Alocasia macrorrhiza - Elephant ear

Ideal environment: bright or dimly lit, avoiding direct sunlight.

It can also be used on balconies, marquees, greenhouses and indoor gardens.

Ideal for caregivers with some experience.

3. Apidistra eleatior - Aspidistra

Ideal environment: half shade to shady,.

It can also be used on balconies and shady gardens.

Flowering Season: January - April

Ideal for inexperienced caregivers as it is very resistant.

4. Asparagus setaceus - Plumous Asparagus and Asparagus sprengeri, Hanging Asparagus

Ideal environment: bright space, without direct light.

Flowering Season: May - June

Ideal for caregivers with some experience, as it needs the right balance between light and shadow.

Asparagus sprengeri, Hanging Asparagus

Ideal environment: bright space, without direct light or drafts.

Flowering season: May-June, very discreet white flowers.

Ideal for caregivers with some experience, as it needs the right balance between light and shadow.

5. Begonias e mais Begonias ( Begonia maculata , Begonia maculata raddi, Begonia boveri)

Begonias are very common indoor plants, loved for their colorful leaves of varying sizes and shapes. Once placed in the ideal location, they grow quickly and are very easy to propagate by leaf or cutting.

Ideal environment: lots of light, but not direct

Flowering Season:

Ideal for caregivers with some experience, as it needs the right balance between light and shadow.

6. Chamaedorea elegans - Elegant palm tree

Ideal environment: indirect light, humid environment.

Available in various sizes, they are perfect for creating an exotic atmosphere.

Ideal for caregivers with some experience, as it needs the right balance between light and shadow.

7. Calatheas all over ( Calathea roseopicta "medallion", Calathea orbifolia )

Ideal environment: indirect light, humid atmosphere.

Like begonias and aspargus, they are a classic in grandmothers' houses that are winning over new generations.

Ideal for caregivers with some experience, as it needs the right balance between light and shadow.

8. Cacti and succulents - (Kalanchoe daigremontiana, Opuntia ficus-indica, Aloe barbadensis)

Ideal environment: direct sun, indirect light. They can be used indoors or on balconies, as long as they are not exposed to frost.

There are several shapes, colors and shapes, available for all tastes.

Ideal for inexperienced caretakers, as they are generally not demanding in terms of watering and care.

9. Chlorophytum comosum - spider plant

Ideal environment: bright, indirect light.

Flowering Season: June - September

Ideal for inexperienced caregivers as it is resistant. Plant specially indicated to purify the air.

10. Dieffenbachia seguine - Dumb cane

Ideal environment: half-light to dark, indirect light.

Flowering Season: March - September, or all year round with ideal conditions.

Ideal for inexperienced caregivers as it is resistant.

11. Epipremnum aureum - Golden pothos

Ideal environment: semi-dark to dark.

Ideal for inexperienced caretakers as it is very resistant and grows quickly even in the darkest places. Plant specially indicated to purify the air.

12. Ficus benjamina - Weeping fig

Ideal environment: bright, without direct sunlight, avoiding drafts and drastic temperature changes.

Flowering season: spring.

Ideal for caregivers with less experience as it is resistant. Plant specially indicated to purify the air.

13. Ficus elastica - India rubber plant

Ideal environment: Bright.

Flowering Season: August - February.

Ideal for inexperienced caregivers as it is resistant.

14. Ficus lyrata - Fiddle-leaf fig or Banjo fig

Ideal environment: indirect light or partial shade.

Ideal for inexperienced caregivers as it is resistant.

15. Hypoestes phyllostachya - Polka plant

Ideal environment: full light or partial shade.

Flowering season: spring.

Ideal for caregivers with some experience, as it needs the right balance between light, shade and humidity.

16. Maranta leuconeura - Prayer plant

Ideal environment: indirect light.

Flowering season: spring, or all year round if the ideal conditions exist.

Ideal for caregivers with some experience, as it needs the right balance between light, shade and humidity.

17. Monstera deliciosa - Adam's rib

Ideal environment: bright without direct sun. It can be used indoors and outdoors, as a climbing plant (with stake) or pendant.

Flowering season: spring, its fruit is edible and, as the name implies, delicious, however it rarely bears fruit indoors.

18. Nephrolepis exaltata - Fern

Ideal environment: bright, without direct sun, humid.

Ideal for caregivers with little experience as it is resistant. Plant specially indicated to purify the air.

19. Plectranthus verticillatus - Money plant

Ideal environment: bright.Flowering season: all year round, under ideal conditions.Ideal for inexperienced caregivers as it is very resistant and grows quickly.

20. Schlumbergera truncata,

Ideal environment: indirect light.

Flowering Season: Autumn and Winter, there are pink, red, white flower varieties.

It can be used indoors or on balconies for winter storage.

Easy to propagate by cuttings.

Ideal for inexperienced caregivers as it is very resistant.

21. Spathiphyllum wallisii - Peace lily

Ideal environment: Bright, indirect light.

Flowering season: spring and summer, or all year round under ideal conditions.

Ideal for caregivers without little experience, as it is resistant. Plant specially indicated to purify the air.

22. Zamioculcas zamiifolia - Zamioculcas or ZZ plant

Ideal environment: half-light to dark.

ZZ plants are gaining popularity in Portuguese homes. Combining a slightly eccentric appearance with the fact that they are quite resistant and easy to care for, they are the ideal species for inexperienced caretakers.

General tips for the success of your indoor plants:

- It is important to let the earth dry between waterings, otherwise the roots could rot.

- It's important that the vase has holes, so that excess water can come out, the earth stays airy and the roots healthy.

- Half light or even shady does not mean total absence of a light source, even shade plants need some light.

- Avoid changing vase plants before necessary (when the roots are already tight), changing to a larger vase will not accelerate the growth of the plant.

To learn more about special plants for air purification, also read this article.

Plants that purify the air

See here some examples of spaces developed by JAG landscape architecture with plants that purify the air.

Make your world greener!


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